It’s That Time Again….


germsIt’s that time of year Ahhhh-gain….

The bright, blinky lights, late nights of online shopping, festive parties with too much food and drink, and….


Yup….cold and flu season is back!!

And it is back with a vengeance!!

We’ve all taken to the season and shared our germ quite liberally around here. As a result I spent last week on the couch with a fever raging from 100F-102F and body aches that rivaled the after effects of CrossFit Competition.

Obviously, once the symptoms were full-blown I could’ve cared less if the Earth fell off its axis. I really had no real concerns about missing a workout since I could hardly bathe, much less train….

But, as my fever dropped to 99.9F and below, I really began feeling….ahhh, how would one say…Not really THAT bad.

Perspective I guess…When you go from 102F to 99.9F it IS fully possible to feel “normal” and think you can handle an easy workout…

ohhh, not so fast grasshopper!

Lucky for me, my husband had the dreaded germ 1st and while he is a very smart man, he does lack in medical common sense (yea, I think surgeons are just THAT way sometimes!). He made the choice, 3 weeks ago mind you, to sweat this evil invader from his system.

Uh, see….he STILL looks and sounds a bit like crap-o-la.

After watching him create a world of hurt for himself, I decided to play my cards differently and err on the side of my knowledge base.

According to the American College of Sports Medicine:

  •  Never exercise with a fever, lower respiratory tract infection, or symptoms of systemic illness (muscle aches, chills, malaise, etc.).
  •  Remember to have reasonable and lowered performance expectations after you’ve been ill.
  • Listen to your body and practice restraint. Wait to resume training until your motivation and health have completely returned. You have only one body, take care of it.

fluNow there’s obviously a lot of  metabolic “stuff” that goes into being deathly ill, but the general idea is that the body is already stressed and working overtime. Why stress it anymore?!!

Those muscle aches, that’s the virus eating your muscle…ok, kinnda dumbed down, but you get the idea….

The technical term would be catabolism, or protein breakdown, incase you want to google something today besides power meters or the iPad mini!

Oh wait, that’s probably just me! 🙂

Fighting germs is serious business and really ties the bodies resources up for a bit of time. There is a WAR being waged in there…all kinds of Special Forces like cells trying to snuff out the damn terrorists that are trying to take YOU DOWN….But they will not fail you, it’s your job to not fail THEM!

Let them work….all you have to do is stoke the fire and give them energy to work.


Now this is a very important factoid we all tend to conveniently overlook, myself included…

The heart muscle IS NOT spared in the process so it must be protected at all costs!

Have you heard of those folks who end up with myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) because they were too stubborn to rest during a febrile illness???

Now there’s a set-back for ya’!

Don’t turn a 3-4 day illness into a 3-4 month illness or worse… a permanent and disabling one!!

There is absolutely NOTHINGNOT 1…thing that will be gained by training through a febrile illness and so much that could be lost.

Yes, we become a little bat-shit stir crazy.

So, ya know what I did when that set in???

I went on a nice slow walk to the end of the street and back…..and then I realized there was NO WAY IN HELL I could even sit upright on my bike much less get through an easy ride.

So came home and did what my body asked…

I took a nap and let my troops continue fighting for me!

And 2 days later, I climbed on the trainer for that easy ride…

After I was fever free for 24hrs.

And it was the hardest hour I’d experienced in a very long time!!

War is tough, it takes a lot out of ya’…but winning is always so satisfying!!

My son is currently upstairs sleeping soundly for the 1st time in 4 days. Last night, his fever was finally gone so he was naturally feeling much better. He was back on the phone, the computer, and no longer coughing up a lung. He was trying to convince me he would be fine to go to school (I know, he’s weird that way!)…

See, we ALL have a hard time resting!!

Not just athletes!!

I promptly explained that it wasn’t happening… “the body (and its special forces) need 1 full day of R&R before it has to go on full alert again.”

Being fever-free for 24hrs before returning to school or athletics gives the body that day of quality rest AFTER the battle is won. Everybody deserves that.

Be kind to your body folks and it will reward you time and time gain!!

Today I feel pretty close to perfect and I’ve got a nice easy run on tap. The plan is to take it slow and do what I can as my energy levels finally return to normal.

If you’re reading this and you’re sick, I hope that you feel better soon!

Run Happy and Stay Healthy, My Friends!

happy runner

Rock Me Like A Hurricane


Or  Tropical Storm Lee in this case….

Right now it’s still a depression…

It’s the primary cause of my personal depression and it’s jacking with my life.

The rain began yesterday and hasn’t stopped since.

Looking at the image above, this mess isn’t GOING to stop anytime soon.

There are some heavy squalls moving through, with boat-loads of lightening so the pool has been closed and running outdoors isn’t a viable option unless one desires electrocution.

I do not.

So the planning begins. How do I get in my training? What happens if I don’t? Stress? Obsess? Let it go?

I did manage a 7.5 run yesterday since I knew what was coming and our gym isn’t open on the weekends. Oh the joys of living in the fattest state in the union. Who needs a weekend workout, right??!!!

And I’ve got my stationary bike set-up, but really….how many days, in a row, can you sit on a trainer???

There is always the hope of a few breaks in the storm and I can go out and get a quick run in before another squall line hits.

Hey, at least it won’t be deathly hot, right??

Or maybe the universe’s is attempting to force some rest down my throat. We all know rest is AS IMPORTANT as training. Perhaps I’ll just go with flow, prop my feet up, and watch some college football!!

Decisions, Decisions!! I’m far to structured for this nonsense, but I have no choice. There is no fighting mother nature!

Y’all stay dry out there. If you are getting some of this most needed rain, enjoy it, maybe take advantage of it, and rest a little more than normal this holiday weekend.

Train Happy, My Friends!

Oops, I’ve Done It Again


Well it seems my hamstring has gone and gotten annoyed with me yet again. Not quite as mouthy as last year, but it’s definitely voicing its dislike for my recent fondness of track intervals.

Luckily it’s not torn, but it does have issues (don’t we all?) which could lead to another tear if I don’t get it under control ASAP. It seems lefty has a complex with being puny and weak compared to its rival righty.

It really is my own fault, so I can’t complain too much. I’ve been avoiding the gym, like the plague, since spring has sprung and have, therefore; done NO strength & resistance work in a very long time 🙄 . Now my entire right leg, calf to sit bone, feels like:

So what’s a girl to do?

  1. Rest 
  2. Ice 
  3. Compression 
  4. Swim and Cycle
  5. Foam Roll As If Life Depends On It 
  6. Stretch 
  7. Strengthen

Then try to run again. If said hamstring is still pissed off, repeat cycle. Which is fine and dandy, in principle, except our first tri is in 2 weeks. You know what they say, timing is everything!

Luckily I’m starting to back my mileage down to rest and recover a bit anyway. Hopefully Humpty Dumpty can be put back together in time. I don’t think it will be something that will enable me from racing, but I certainly don’t want to cause a more permanent injury by pushing the envelope.

So CAUTION is the word, the mantra if you will, for the next two weeks. Not my strongest trait, but a skill I need to hone nonetheless. Wish me luck!

Swim Happy, My Friends!

If Mamma Ain’t Happy…


I’m just not myself without my endorphin kick….

Its been 4 days (4 days 9 hours 15 minutes 45 secs) since I had a fix. But really, it’s not like I’m counting or anything. However, I am starting to show the signs of withdrawal and it’s not very attractive, to say the least.

The online shopping, hanging out at Wal-Mart for no apparent reason, playing with widgets, looking for old friends on FB, asking the boy if he wants me to stay around for band rehersal….its gettin’ ugly around here !! 

The golden rule is 1 day of rest for every mile covered during the race. This means 13 REST/RECOVERY days for me. That doesn’t mean no activity, just don’t run/bike/swim till you feel like you’re gonna puke (ie no speed/interval work) or no going longer than say 45 minutes….oh, and one is technically suppose to skip every other day all together, but….whatever, moving on…

I was fairly compliant until Tuesday and my legs decided to forgive me. I ran a quick 4 Wednesday, then today I rode an easy 25 and still feel relatively good.

It’s just I want more. I can feel it, taste it and I want it. But it’s still out of reach…for 9 more days. If only the Resses Peanut Butter Cups were out of reach!

As for AquaDoc and BoyGenius, no luck…they don’t stand a fightin’ chance. You know what they say, if mamma ain’t happy……yup, we all know how this one ends….

Train happy, My Friends…