Mid Week Motivation


I don’t know about y’all, but this has been a hell of a week!

I love daylight savings time for the plentiful evening sunlight (i.e. more time to ride), but the adjustment is a rough one! I get up around 5:15am and when its dark…not to mention still cold out there…

eeks! It’s no fun at all!

I find myself wishing that I could just skip that headlamp run or sunrise swim….

And with no performance ramifications, naturally! 🙂

But…forge on we must…right!!????




Have you adjusted to the change yet?


Swim Happy, My Friends!



Doing It My Way


And so the story goes…

The past 8 weeks or so I’ve been dealing with constant hip pain.

NOT really pain, more of a persistent ache in the outer hip area.

It’s a maddening…suck the life out of you kind of discomfort. I could train, but it was always there….knawing at me….every single day!

The proverbial straw that broke my back was what I THOUGHT was a pulled back muscle from breaking form during a plank….


Glute medius spasm….OUGH!

Guess what all this nonsense FINALLY all came back to…..


Rewind way back to the end of March when the lateral part of my knee became all jacked before my 70.3 and I couldn’t walk 10 feet without feeling like someone was driving an ice pick into my femoral condyle.


CAUSE: if y’all remember I kept telling every doctor and therapist that would listen that is WAS NOT the running that was doing this, it was something with the bike, but I felt the symptoms while I was running so I was treated like I had a running injury! If you think finding someone to treat you as a runner is difficult, try finding someone with ANY experience treating a cyclist….and if you happen to cycle and run great distances, back to back….pfft…forget it!

Take-away: Problem was never resolved despite symptoms easing.

I don’t know if I’m more frustrated with myself or those that I depended on for help.

I KNEW deep down to my core that my bike set up was the problem, but I let everyone else convince me otherwise and so I got progressively worse all summer.

Until that fateful plank….

REALLY, enough was enough….

I gathered my logs and went for a proper diagnosis with the intention of figuring the “WHY” myself.

None of this garbage about “too much too soon” , “weak this or that”, or the “you do too much”.

DX/Cause II : trochanter bursitis caused by longstanding ITBS (NICE!) and gluetal tendonosis (excessive wear and tear/inflammation) …..

The end result was a bike seat that was too high….

Gee, sound familiar???

And NOT just a little too high either…

Almost an ENTIRE  inch, but it is being decreased gradually.

For me, raising my seat forced my glute medius to be overworked.  It also altered with my foot position b/c I naturally peddle heel down/flat-footed and the increased seat ht. forced me into a heel up/toe down sorta way….I kept asking people around town how they peddled because I couldn’t get off my toes and I felt like I had NO power…

I also made the decision to ride like I ride. I’m faster and more comfortable in harder gears with a lower cadence (78-82RPMs). I can ride like that forever and all spring and summer I’ve tried to adapt to easier gears and higher RPMs….

Isn’t gonna happen. I’ll probably always ride between 18-22mph, just like I’ll probably always run b/w an 8-10 min/mi.

And I’m good with that.

Then there’s the “weak glute” theory that is apparently an epidemic here in the running, cycling, and I guess recreational sporting world in general.

Like a good little athlete I was hip hiking, leg lifting, and band walking only to make things worse….

Tightening/strengthening an already tight muscle is a true recipe for disaster….

So I don’t really KNOW if my glutes are all that weak or if this is another urban legend like foam rolling to lengthen the ITB…

I do know they are quite tight….

So for right now, at least….I can say I have a tight ass.

Who knew the day would come when I would be actively trying to rid myself of such a thing…

For now its all about loosening…rolling….some pressure point work on the softball and good ole ice…on the hip/glute musculature (not the ITB….urban legend stuff 😉 )

And a return to the gym for a well-rounded strength program.

Late last week, I took 2 easy rides. The first was 25 miles, averaging about 17mph and the 2nd was a few days later. I tried to work a little harder on that 2nd one, but not too hard and so I rode almost 30miles at about 20mph. A lot of stretching and icing followed both and I’m happy to say I finally feel like I’m making some progress. I had a really good swim this morning and each day things are feeling looser than they’ve been in a long time.

Bursitis and tendonosis are not all that uncommon and actually respond well if the right things are done.

I tried to tell em”…

From here on out, I’m borrowing the mantra of Frank Sinatra…

I’m just going to do it my way!

So that’s what’s been going on with me….

How’ve y’all been??

Ride Happy, My Friends!

Fabulous Friday


Yes it is Friday!

The weekend has finally arrived.

And while that is indeed pretty fabulous it is not what this post is about….

This is about a certain ITEM that I’ve recently been made aware of, that I would really like to scoop up for myself…

It’s no secret that I want a tri bike…

I’m not convinced it’ll make me any faster, as I am a full believer in the “it’s the engine not the car” philosophy.

However, I’m also of the opinion that there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with having a nice ride while putting forth some hard work out on there on the road!

Check out the custom number by Betty Designs:

I do love all things Betty!

Perhaps a gift to myself after Galveston! 😉

Ride Happy, My Friends!

It’s the Little Things


The thing about Monday is that it follows Sundays LONG ride.

Typically that chews away 3+hours of time, prep and ride combined.

Then, just like the rest of us… there is laundry to do, homework to finish, toilets to scrub, and dinner to prepare before collapsing into bed between 10 and 11pm.

Monday arrives at 5am and always with a vengeance.

And I’m always FAR too tired to be looking at my training calendar and keeping things in a “Polly Positive” state of mind.

5 days….approximately 11 hours until another brief respite comes my way.

5 days…approximately 11 hours until that glass (or 2) of Merlot is mine…..

…..until I can drink coffee in my PJs until noon

…..until I do not feel the need to double-check today’s session…BECAUSE THERE IS NONE to check!

It’s the little things 😉

Until then…

it’s time to get this Monday started

Train Happy, My Friends!

Motivational Monday: Building Blocks


Yesterday I officially entered the “build phase” of 70.3 training.

My body has finally recovered from last Sunday’s half-marathon and so I had a nice 41 mile spin to kick things off.

It was nice to finally feel like I was covering some distance, doing so in good time, and knowing I could tackle more if needed.

I know all days won’t be quite so blissful so remaining focused and motivated will be the keys to getting through… both mentally AND physically.

I’ll be planting many seeds of success around here over the next 65 days or so and watering them often!!

If you’ve got something big coming up, and I know many of you do, then hopefully this will help you out as well.

Y’all have a fantastic week out there!

Do great things

and always….

Swim Happy, My Friends!

Rock Me Like A Hurricane


Or  Tropical Storm Lee in this case….

Right now it’s still a depression…

It’s the primary cause of my personal depression and it’s jacking with my life.

The rain began yesterday and hasn’t stopped since.

Looking at the image above, this mess isn’t GOING to stop anytime soon.

There are some heavy squalls moving through, with boat-loads of lightening so the pool has been closed and running outdoors isn’t a viable option unless one desires electrocution.

I do not.

So the planning begins. How do I get in my training? What happens if I don’t? Stress? Obsess? Let it go?

I did manage a 7.5 run yesterday since I knew what was coming and our gym isn’t open on the weekends. Oh the joys of living in the fattest state in the union. Who needs a weekend workout, right??!!!

And I’ve got my stationary bike set-up, but really….how many days, in a row, can you sit on a trainer???

There is always the hope of a few breaks in the storm and I can go out and get a quick run in before another squall line hits.

Hey, at least it won’t be deathly hot, right??

Or maybe the universe’s is attempting to force some rest down my throat. We all know rest is AS IMPORTANT as training. Perhaps I’ll just go with flow, prop my feet up, and watch some college football!!

Decisions, Decisions!! I’m far to structured for this nonsense, but I have no choice. There is no fighting mother nature!

Y’all stay dry out there. If you are getting some of this most needed rain, enjoy it, maybe take advantage of it, and rest a little more than normal this holiday weekend.

Train Happy, My Friends!